Here to Eternity

Here to Eternity by Andrew Motion

Book of the Week: 2 October 2016


It’s National Poetry Day on Thursday, so this week’s book is an anthology of poetry chosen by Sir Andrew Motion who was Poet Laureate from 1999 to 2009.

As the book’s blurb says, this is ‘a rich spectrum of poetic voices – ancient and modern, foreign and familiar. Arranged concentrically, each section – Self, Home, Town, Work, Land, Love, Travel, War, Belief and Space – seeks out resemblances and finds echoes elsewhere, creating the impression of an expanding universe, from Wallace Stevens to Stevie Smith, Joseph Brodsky to Jo Shapcott, Bob Dylan to Dylan Thomas, Ben Jonson to Benjamin Zephaniah.’

If you would like to explore poetry online, here are some resources you might like to look at:

The Poetry Archive which has a section devoted to children’s poetry 

Poetry Station which features poets and actors reading poetry, as well as animations of poems.

The Poetry Society which also has a section featuring poets reading their own work and explaining what inspired them.

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